We pay respect to students and their parents with high scores, transit our students from ordinariness to extraordinariness, from excellence to dominance. Consistently, Chongqing Stilwell Foreign Language School adopts effectively scientific management to assist students to gain outstanding academic performance with high scores.
In 2008, we cultivated and sent over 100 students of excellent academic performance to further study at 60 American top colleges and universities while more qualified high school students are receiving elite training to success.
In 2009, we will still stick to our successful concept: Strict & Qualified Training Enables Studying Abroad. Apart from high scores and our training strength, Chongqing Stilwell Foreign Language School will definitely continue its innovation and diligence to perform as successful bridge of Sino-American cultural exchange.
重庆史迪威外语学校好吗?学校初中部拥有丰富的国内外教学资源,打造一流的精英教育,由建校已逾 80多年的重庆市一中学初中部输送较优教师与管理人员,以严格的管理制度和先进的教学设施,满足家长对优质教育资源的需求,为学校学生提供较优的教学服务。
Organized by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services and U.S. Press Administration, the Work & Travel program is targeted at Chinese college students between 18-26 years old. By this program, Chinese students can conduct their paid practice in the U.S. for 2-4 months during their summer vacation (between May and September). After practice, they are permitted to make an arrangement of one-month travel in the U.S. on their income from paid practice.
So they can further experience real American local life and culture, personally and preferably. Since the start of this beneficial program, Chongqing Stilwell Foreign Language School and other high-learning institutions have organized hundreds of college students to conduct their paid practice in the United States,which has greatly enriched their working experience, improved their competence for employment, cultivated their adoptive capacity, independent skills and English practicability as well.
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