时间:2019-05-23 14:19来源:北京蒙台梭利国际学校
MSB has an open admissions policy; children of all nationalities, races and religions may apply for admission to the school. However, Chinese government regulations do not permit the enrolment of Chinese nationals in an international school.
Admissions/Enrolment Requirement
According to new requirements implemented by the Beijing Municipal Education Commission (BMEC), the student and one of the parents must hold a foreign passport with a valid working visa. Permanent resident green card holders please contact admissions office for more details.
Probationary Period
All new students are subject to a probationary period lasting 60 attended school days. During this period, the school reserves the right to withdraw a child’s acceptance in the event that MSB does not have the adequate resources to satisfy the child’s needs. This may include, but is not limited to: the need for additional psychological and/or educational evaluations, advanced EAL services, an individualized curriculum or instruction (including a dedicated teacher or shadow and/or other interventive resources to manage exceptional behaviors). A full tuition refund, minus the amount for days attended, will be given.
If during the probationary period, information relevant to admissions is found to have been withheld, inaccurate or falsified, MSB reserves the right to withdraw the student from school without refunding any fees.
Grade Level/Age Placement Guidelines
Class placement is based upon a student's educational background and his/her age on 1 October. In certain cases, a student may be placed in a different grade level, subject to approval of MSB’s admissions and academic teams. In cases where the child’s age is younger than the cut-off date, placement must be accompanied by the parents’ understanding that the child may need an additional year at the current grade level before moving up.
Early Childhood Applicants
All Early Childhood applicants must be toilet trained prior to their first day of school.
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