Maple Leaf International School passes certification process!
Over the last 4 days, 2 inspectors from the British Colombia Ministry of Education went through a detailed process of inspecting the school. This was to see if the school would be certified as an offshore BC High School.
在本周,两位来自加拿大BC省教委的审查员对我校进行了为期四天的系统性审查, 目的在于确保我校高中设置的BC课程符合加拿大BC省海外学校的标准。
During the 4 days, teacher and student files were examined. Teachers were visited in their classrooms and observed teaching. Teachers who held positions of responsibility were interviewed.
在这四天里, 审查员对学校的师生档案进行了细致的查阅; 对每一位BC老师的课堂进行了走访听课;和相关负责老师进行了面谈。
The Principal and other members of the school Administration were also interviewed. The news was passed along to the BC staff by the inspectors, Mr. Ray Sutton and Mr. Brent Koot. The inspectors highlighted the degree to which the staff were preparing for the new curriculum and how pathways were developed for English language instruction. Positive comments were made about the new additions to the school and the school’s leadership team.
另外,审查员也对加方校长以及加方管理团队进行了面谈。 两位审查员 Ray Sutton和Brent Koot先生向全体加方团队成员宣布了审查结果。 审查员突出褒奖了加方老师们对新加方课程的准备程度以及我校向不同英语水平的学生提供的毕业路径。 后,审查员也对学校的领导团队给与了正面的评价。
Mr. Embleton, the BC Principal and Mr. Long the Head Master are very pleased by the result. Both will continue the work needed to continuously improve the school.
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