

时间:2022-11-10 10:28 国际学校网

As a new school founded in September of this year, ISA Wenhua Wuhan AP Centre has become a College Board Authorized AP Course Centre in less than a month and has successfully been listed as a CEEB International Accredited School with the code: 694704.


CEEB is the abbreviation for College Entrance Examination Board, which was established in 1899 to provide support and expertise for the standardized entrance examinations and subject learning in the United States. The award of the CEEB code to ISA Wuhan AP Course Centre means that ISA students will have an exclusive school code in the US college application system, meaning that the school has a significant advantage in the US college application system!

CEEB是美国大学入学考试委员会的缩写, 简称大学理事会College Board。该委员会成立于1899年,针对于美国标准化入学考试以及其他赴美留学方面提供各项辅助与专业支持。此次爱莎武汉文华AP课程中心获得CEEB code,意味着在美国大学申请系统中,爱莎学生拥有专门的学校代码,标志着学校已经在美国大学申请系统中拥有显著优势!

When applying to universities in the USA or other countries, students can use the Common App platform to submit their applications and fill in the ISA Wuhan school code. This code allows university admissions officers to know more about the applicant's school, including AP courses, CCA or field trips. By knowing this information, the university admissions officer will be able to take a more comprehensive view of whether the student is making the most of the resources offered at the high school and how much they have challenged themselves.

在申请美国或其它地方的大学时,学生们可以使用“通用申请”(Common App)平台提交自己的申请资料并填写爱莎武汉的学校代码。通过这个代码,大学的招生官可以了解到申请人的学校情况,例如开设怎样的AP课程、拓展课程或者课外实践活动等。大学招生官通过了解这些信息,可以更全面的考量学生是否在所在高中充分利用了学校提供的各项资源, 是否学习了具有挑战性的课程。

Using the CEEB code will also help students when taking the SAT or ACT to synchronise their test results with their high school, helping school counselors to better target their students and develop personalised development plans for different students.


CEEB accreditation places high demands on the applicant school. The College Board not only considers the applicant school's qualifications, faculty team and curriculum design, students' well-being and teachers' development, but also requires the school to go through stages of observation and validation, and to communicate with school leadership, teachers and students to produce the final evaluation report.


ISA Wenhua AP Centre 爱莎武汉文华AP课程中心

The ISA Wenhua Wuhan AP Centre is based on the CCSS (The Common Core State standards) and NGSS (Next Generation Science Standards) national education standards (for high school students) and provides a comprehensive curriculum to meet the needs of all types of students, based on the principles of individualised teaching and learning, stratification and personalisation. The ISA Wenhua AP Centre is committed to the philosophy of whole-person education and development, an innovative model of high school and undergraduate education with access to top international educational resources and a collaborative effort among students. Teachers and parents build a culturally integrated and co-developing education for an ecological community. We provide students with a comprehensive and multi-faceted programme of high school diplomas, application resources and personalised training.

爱莎武汉文华AP课程中心,以美国CCSS(The Common Core State Standards)和NGSS(Next Generation Science Standards)国家教育标准(高中生)为基础,以因材施教,分层教学和个性化培养为原则,全方位提供满足各类学生学习和发展的课程体系。爱莎文华AP中心,践行全人教育和全员发展的办学理念,创新高本结合教育模式,对接国际顶尖教育资源,引领学生、教师和家长协同构建文化融合与共同发展的教育生态社区,全方位、多途径为学生提供中美高中双文凭、多国世界名校申请资源和个性化培养方案。

Receiving the CEEB code is a "small footnote" in the journey of ISA Wuhan AP Course Centre to achieve excellence in cutting-edge education. In the future, the school will continue to strive for excellence so that every ISA student will go to their dream school and will have the ability to contribute to society in the future.




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